October 20, 2008

So I love my new town fixie (plum Surly Steamroller,  one brake, and just overall super spiffy and hot) If only I could sell my Redline 925. Any takers? And any takers for the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s Ride the Red this coming Saturday, October 25?  I really need to figure out how to turn this into a real blog. If you couldn’t tell, right now there’s no blog function. I’m redoing the page and reloading it onto the server each time. And the “archives” just stretch on forever. And ever. Must change. Anyone know how to turn this page into a wordpress and keep it looking generally the same? And does anyone know how to found a nonprofit? Lots of stuff going on. And a possible 109-mile Tour de Tucson on November 22.


Saturday night, I took myself out of the very limited subset of women who had not seen Sex in the City . I know, it’s amazing that one of my X chromosomes hasn’t been taken away for my having waited so long to see it. With the forced  budget cuts in Fleece Fashionista-ville however, I knew it would be difficult to see all those fabulous clothes and shoes — but mostly the clothes – and know that the only new fashions I’d be sporting this season come from Smartwool. (Not that that is bad at all … I just got an awesome beat-around full-zip merino cardigan.) I want to know how Carrie Bradshaw affords that kind of lifestyle as a writer? She buys $600 shoes like I buy double espressos.

But even crazier that I went so long without seeing the movie? I only finally saw it because my husband picked it.  You read that right. My. Husband. Picked. It. No, none of his anatomical parts have fallen off. I think some sort of scientist should look into this.